New Hop Spotlight 2020
New Hop Spotlight 2020 - [4 Minute Read] New hop varieties are always being released, so sometimes it can be difficult knowing which new varieties are the real deal. Looking...
Kaleb Schwecke |
Get growing with rhizomes fresh from the field
New Hop Spotlight 2020 - [4 Minute Read] New hop varieties are always being released, so sometimes it can be difficult knowing which new varieties are the real deal. Looking...
Kaleb Schwecke |
What do Hops Smell Like? What do you smell when you smell your favorite hops? Lemon, grapefruit, vanilla, or just plain ol’ grass? We understand how tricky it can be...
Karyna Foia |
As a thank you to all of the brewers who are participating in One in Eight this year, we are giving away these customizable beer labels for free! There are...
Kaleb Schwecke |
HOPS FOR CHARITY: Proceeds from the sales of this exclusive lot of 2020 Triumph go to Wellness House here in Yakima. Wellness House is a local charity that offers free...
Jeff Perkins |
Growing your own hops is an easy and fun experience that anyone can do. Even if you do not plan on brewing with the hops, it is still rewarding and...
Kaleb Schwecke |