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Good Onya: Australian Pale Ale Beer Recipe

Good Onya: Australian Pale Ale Beer Recipe

Jake Parrish |

Good Onya

5.5-gallon Pale Ale Homebrew Recipe

Created by Ryan Holt of Old Standby Brewing

Oi there! Ryan Holt over at Old Standby Brewing (@oldstandbybrewing) in Salem, OR has done it again with this awesome Pale Ale recipe! 

The entire hop bill is Australian varieties, and Ryan describes the beer as a "Crisp and clean Pale Ale that allows for the citrus and fruit flavors of the Australian hops to shine." This is an awesome recipe to get to know Australian hops better, or one to add to your tap lineup to bring something different to the table.

Let's get into the hops featured in "Good Onya:"

Topaz™ - the unsung hero.

Topaz™ has a rich history dating back to its development in Australia in the late 1980s, and its unique characteristics set it apart. Topaz™ brings a burst of flavors and aromas to your brew, with prominent notes of citrus, passionfruit, and a hint of pine. Their alpha acid content typically falls in the 14-18% range, making them a versatile choice for both bittering and late-stage additions.

What truly sets Topaz™ apart is its exceptional oil profile, featuring a higher myrcene content, which contributes to its fruity and resinous aromas. Whether you're crafting an IPA, pale ale, or a more experimental brew, Topaz™ can elevate your beer to new heights, imparting a complexity that leaves a lasting impression on the palate. So, if you're searching for a hop variety that offers a delightful blend of fruity and piney notes, look no further than Topaz™ – it's a true gem in the world of brewing.

Does Galaxy® really need an introduction at this point?

I mean... it's Galaxy®. An Australian gem renowned for its captivating characteristics, Galaxy® offers a unique flavor and aroma profile that's nothing short of exceptional. This variety is celebrated for its vibrant tropical fruit notes, featuring an awesome blend of passionfruit, citrus, peach, and a subtle, alluring touch of pineapple. With alpha acid content typically ranging from 11% to 16%, Galaxy® hops are versatile and perfect for both bittering and late-stage additions. Plus, rich essential oil composition, predominantly myrcene, rounds this variety out and sets it apart from the rest. If you haven't brewed with Galaxy® yet, you're missing out!

Vic Secret™ rounds this recipe out

Another banger Australian variety. A sister to Topaz™, Vic Secret™ imparts notes of pineapple and passionfruit, with a little bit of resin on the backend. A high alpha variety, Vic Secret™ has a typical alpha acid range of 15.1 - 21.8 %, but plays really well in whirlpool and dry hop additions. Take it from the grower themselves: "Big pineapple and refreshing pine flavours best accessed by late addition in the whirlpool and dry hopping. Alternatively, kettle addition imparts dank and herbal flavour with some fruit."

So, without further ado, let's get into this recipe. Let us know in the comments if you have any questions! Happy brewing! 

a beer in a glass with a sticker leaning against it

Good Onya

5.5-gallon Pale Ale Homebrew Recipe

Created by Ryan Holt of Old Standby Brewing

Yield: 5.5 gallons

OG: 1.054

FG: 1.012

5.5% ABV

31.9 IBUs

Mash PH: 5.4

 Grain / Adjunct Bill
Northwest Pale Ale Malt 10 lb
CaraHell 0.50 lb
CaraFoam 0.50 lb
Acidulated Malt 0.25 lb


 Hop Additions
0.25 oz Topaz™  First wort addition (see brewer's notes below)
0.25 oz Vic Secret™
Boil 5 mins
0.25 oz Galaxy®
Boil 5 mins
2 oz Vic Secret™ Dry hop 2 days
2 oz Galaxy®
Dry hop 2 days


 Other Ingredients
1 tsp Gypsum At mash-in
1 Whirlfloc tablet Boil 15 mins
Imperial Yeast A07 Flagship



  1. Mill the grains and get strike water to 167°F. Mash in, add the gypsum, and hold at 150°F for 60 minutes, stirring occasionally during the first half. 

  2. Recirculate until your runnings are clear, then run off into the boil kettle.

  3. Add first wort hop addition.

  4. Sparge and top up as necessary to get 6.5 gallons of wort. 

  5. Boil for 60 minutes, adding in hops and Whirlfloc at designated times.

  6. After the boil, do a whirlpool step as follows: Get temp of wort to 190°F. Stir or recirculate to create a vortex, and allow 15 minutes to steep. 

  7. Chill the wort to about 65°F, aerate well, and pitch yeast.

  8. Ferment at 65°F for 2 days and then allow temperature to rise to 70 °F until primary fermentation is complete and final gravity has been reached.

  9. Add dry hop additions, making sure to purge the air from fermentor if possible.

  10. After 4 days of dry hop, crash the fermentor down to 38°F over the course of 5-7 days and hold. During this time, drop the trub from your fermentor and allow for the beer to clear for an additional 5-7 days.

  11. Package and carb.

  12. Drink fresh!

Brewer's Notes

First wort addition: Also known as First Wort Hopping. This is when you add the hop addition as the wort is being transferred into the boil kettle. 


Let us know what you think in the comments! If you end up brewing it, hit us up on social media to let us know.


Thanks again Ryan from Old Standby for sharing this awesome Pale Ale featuring Australian hops homebrew recipe with us! 

a beer in a glass with a sticker leaning against it


Just finished brewing this and scaled up to 12 gallons. Substituted Vic Secret for the Topaz for bittering – thought I had some Topaz, but was mistaken… (all Yakima Valley hops BTW!) Used BeerSmith’s Hoppy Pale Ale water profile; Ca:140 Mg:18 Na: 25 SO4:300 Cl:55 HCO3: 110 Target mash pH: 5.3. I believe Imperial’s Flagship yeast strain is Chico.

I’ll check back in after I’m pouring the final product! Thanks all!!!


Hey Travis C…if you want this beer to finish a few points lower, here are a few options: lower the mash temp to 148°, pull back on the CaraHell, reduce the 2 Row and use a pound of dextrose instead, lower the pH to 5.2, and possibly double the pitch or make a healthy starter. One more thing to consider is that the perceived bitterness will increase with more attenuation, so you may need to adjust the hop bill. I love a dry pale as well…let me know how it goes. Cheers!


Having not brewed the beer, I want my crispy Pale Ales to finish at 1.008 – 1.010. Also, water chemistry will be important. But that can be a lot of detail to go into.

Travis C,

I didn’t see a yeast variety. What strain does Ryan use?


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