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Hazy IPA Recipe featuring BRU-1

Hazy IPA Recipe featuring BRU-1

Jake Parrish |

Eddie Would Go

5-gallon Hazy IPA homebrew recipe

Created by Eric Gomez, Irie Beer Company

Hey there fellow homebrewers! Our buddy Eric Gomez over at Irie Beer Company shared a recipe for a delicious hazy IPA that incorporates a hop variety that we absolutely adore - BRU-1™. This hop variety is relatively new on the scene, but it's been making waves in the craft brewing world for its unique flavor and aroma characteristics. 

BRU-1™ 101: The hop that was found by chance

BRU-1™ is an aroma hop that was discovered by Brulotte Farms here in the Yakima Valley, and developed in coordination with John I. Haas. It was officially released in 2016. Through our partnership with John I. Haas, Yakima Valley Hops is one of the exclusive distributors of this unique hop.

The good, the great, and the hazy:

BRU-1™ known for its intense pineapple and tropical fruit aroma, which is why it's often referred to as the "pineapple hop." In addition to its fruity aroma, BRU-1™ also has a subtle spicy and floral character that adds complexity to any beer it's used in. 

We've tried BRU-1™ in a few different beer styles, and we're not alone in finding it particularly shines in hazy IPAs. The fruity and tropical notes of BRU-1™ complement the juicy and citrusy hop flavors that are characteristic of hazies.

Hooray for science!

BRU-1™ is proven to improve haze stability! Even more so than Cascade and Chinook, BRU-1™ has a specific combination and concentration of polyphenols (specifically, proanthocyanidins, if you're into that sort of thing) that may contribute to the ability to improve haze stability in beer. 

So, without further ado, let's get into this recipe. Let us know in the comments if you have any questions! Happy brewing! 

Hazy IPA Recipe 

Eddie Would Go

Hazy IPA homebrew recipe

Created by Eric Gomez, Irie Beer Company

Yield: Ferment 6 gallons / keg 5 gallons

OG: 17.0 Plato

FG: 2.6 Plato

8.1% ABV

Salts: Target a 2:1 calcium chloride to sulfate

 Grain Bill

2-Row  70.3%
Flaked Barley 16.2%
Flaked Oats 13.5%


 Hop Additions
0.55 oz. CTZ  30 mins
0.80 oz. CTZ 10 mins
3.0 oz. BRU-1™ Whirlpool at 170° F for 20 mins (see brewer's notes below) 
3.0 oz. Waimea™
Whirlpool at 170° F for 20 mins (see brewer's notes below) 
4.0 oz. BRU-1™ Dry hop (see brewer's notes below)
4.0 oz. Waimea™
Dry hop (see brewer's notes below)


Yeast: Eric uses Imperial Yeast A20 Citrus, which is a liquid yeast we unfortunately don't carry. A good dry yeast substitute would be Lallemand's Verdant IPA Yeast.


  1. Mill the grains and mash at 152°F for 60 minutes.

  2. Recirculate until your runnings are clear, then run off into the kettle.

  3. Sparge and top up as necessary to get about 6 gallons of wort.

  4. Boil for 30 minutes, adding hops according to the schedule above.

  5. After the boil, either add hops at flameout or do a whirlpool step as follows: Stir or recirculate to create a vortex, add the whirlpool hops, and allow 20 minutes to steep. 

  6. Chill the wort to about 70°F, aerate well, and pitch plenty of healthy yeast.

  7. Ferment at 70°F (21°C) for 5-7 days, then allow to free-rise to 74, and hold there for 1 more day or until fermentation is nearly complete.

  8. Add dry hops (see brewer's notes below), drop temp to 60° F for 2 days.

  9. Cold  crash to 35°F for 48 hours, then package and carbonate to about 2.4 volumes. 

Brewer's Notes

Whirlpool: If you can drop your whirlpool temperature to about 170°F (77°C), it does great things for the hop aroma in this beer. The cooler whirlpool preserves more of the volatile oils in the hops, to stay in the wort and thus in the finished beer.

Dry Hop:  Add just prior to terminal to avoid oxygen ingress. Once added, drop temp to 60° F for 2 days , the cold crash to 35° for 48 hours. Then keg or package (and drink!).

Let us know what you think in the comments! Share with your neighbor! Heck, share with your mom or your mom's mom! This IPA is too good not to share. 

Thanks again Eric from Irie Beer Company for sharing this Hazy IPA homebrew recipe with us.

hazy ipa homebrew recipe


Where is the grain bill amounts? Not the percentages but the actual weight?

Mark Sultzer,

I like your recipe. I’m going to give it a try. I have a bag of Omega OYL-404 Star Party that I will be using.


In step 7. 70F is not 13C, more like 21C


Love the Verdant IPA Yeast as a sub. Recipe looks really good. Going to try it out on Sun.

Mark Sultzer,

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